Parking Lot Striping: How to Design and Create a Layout

parking lot stripes

Parking lot striping is an important part of maintaining a safe and functional parking area. It is also necessary to direct traffic and ensure that vehicles are parked correctly. If you are responsible for designing or creating a parking lot striping layout, there are some important things to keep in mind. In this article, we will discuss the standards for parking lot striping and how to create a layout that meets those standards. 

Why Parking Lot Striping Matters 

There are three main reasons why parking lot striping is important: 

  1. First and foremost, parking lot striping must comply with ADA guidelines. Any commercial parking lot must follow the codes and standards set by the ADA, which include details about stall size, aisle width, handicap parking accessibility, and even motorcycle parking. 
  1. Taking the time to plan out your parking lot striping layout will reduce the risk of traffic accidents and liability. Creating a positive experience at your business is also important to keep returning clientele. 
  1. Lastly, fresh parking lot striping is the easiest way to tune-up your parking lot and maintain your business’ professional and clean aesthetic. 

Parking Lot Striping Standards 

Follow these standards so that your parking lot striping stays compliant with all local laws and regulations: 

  • Parking lot striping dimensions: They vary by state/county, but the standard is around 9 feet wide by 18 feet long. For compact car stalls, the standard is around 8 feet wide by 16 feet long. 
  • Handicapped accessible parking stalls: Handicap parking stalls should be around 8 feet wide by 16 feet long, but must also have an adjacent 5 feet wide pedestrian aisle. 
  • Motorcycle parking lot marking: You may also choose to add parking stalls for motorcycle parking. The standard is to add a 4 feet wide by 9 or 10 feet long designated area. 
  • Parking lot aisle width: The aisle width between your stalls should be wide enough to accommodate 2-way traffic unless you provide traffic signs to coordinate the flow of traffic. The standard width of the aisle ranges between 12 to 26 feet depending on the angle of your stalls, traffic flow, one or two lane aisles, and overall parking lot size. 
ada parking space stencil

Parking Lot Compliance 

How does one stay ADA compliant? What type of work goes into a commercial parking lot to keep up with the standards that are set? The ADA guidelines are very thorough and specific, but we’ll offer a brief description of the fundamental guidelines: 

  • A minimum number of accessible parking spaces, based on the total number of parking spaces in the lot.  
  • Accessible routes from the parking spaces to sidewalks, buildings, and other destinations.  
  • Striping to indicate all accessible routes.  
  • Accessible parking space identification signs that meet specific size and contrast requirements.  
  • Wheelchair-accessible ramping.  
  • Van-accessible parking spaces that meet additional size and maneuvering requirements.  
  • Adequate lighting. 

We’ve written an incredible article about the topic of staying ADA compliant. Check it out so you can stay on top of your knowledge! 

Read more: ADA Guidelines for Parking Lots 

Parking Lot Maintenance 

Once you understand how to remain ADA compliant, be ready to maintain your parking lot. It will require regular upkeep and maintenance. There are a few things you can do to prepare yourself for the maintenance of parking lot painting. Here are some basic pointers to remember: 

  1. Maintain your asphalt surface: Asphalt maintenance is a broad topic which we’ve covered extensively. To sum it up, you’ll want to reseal the asphalt surface of your parking lot every 4-6 years. Always repair your asphalt as soon as you see large cracks forming. Also consider investing in sealer additives which will extend the life and skyrocket the quality of your sealer. 
  1. Invest in the right parking lot striping equipment: Every job requires a tool. For this job, you’ll need an asphalt striping machine a.k.a. line stripers and striping machines. It is essentially a wheelbarrow with a paint bucket that you can move in a pattern of your choosing to lay down the parking lot striping paint. 
  1. Restripe your pavement markings after sealcoating or resealing your asphalt: When you’re done reapplying a sealcoating over your parking lot’s asphalt, wait at least 24 hours before reapplying your parking lot painting. It is required every 3 years more or less, so don’t neglect it! 

How to Create a Parking Lot Striping Layout 

How do you know where to put your parking lot stripes? Where should you put traffic signs and signals? How do you create accessible parking spaces? Lots of planning is involved in the process of striping your asphalt parking lot. Luckily, we’re here to help make this as simple as possible for you. Here are some pro-tips that will help you in making a parking lot striping layout: 

  • Grab paper and a pen. Physically draw out how you want your parking lot striping layout to appear. 
  • Consider how you want your parking lot traffic to flow. Do you want one-way lanes or 2-lane aisles? One-ways will allow you to fit more cars in the lot, but can cause jams without proper traffic signs and guidance. 2-lanes will allow a more uniform layout but take up slightly more space. 
  • Reserve an area near the front of the business for motorcycle parking. Making your parking lot more accessible to motorcyclists will enhance the experience of your parking lot. 
  • Follow the ADA guidelines for handicapped accessible parking stalls. Use parking lot striping stencils to paint the handicap sign. 
parking lot stencil examples

Key Parking Lot Design Considerations 

Before you go, consider a few more things when preparing to paint your parking lot stripes. You will want to evaluate what type of paint to buy and use for your asphalt parking lot. If you want longer-lasting and more resilient paint, find an oil-based paint. If you want a more environmentally friendly and faster-drying paint, find water-based paint. 

Also think about whether you will want to invest in reflective beads. Reflective beads go on the parking lot striping paint and are best used in parking lots with a lot of activity at night or in snow and ice. 

Finally, think about painting other signals such as arrows, circles, text, and other essential traffic signals. For that, search online for some more parking lot striping stencils that will fit your need. 

Superior Asphalt, LC – your one-stop shop for incredible asphalt service! 

Parking lot striping is a necessary part of owning or operating a parking lot. It is important to follow the standards for parking lot striping and to create a layout that is safe and functional. There are many different factors to consider when creating a parking lot striping layout, but with careful planning and attention to detail, you can create a layout that meets all the requirements.  

If you’re looking for parking lot striping or restriping services and asphalt repair and maintenance, contact us today! We offer a wide range of services to keep your parking lot looking its best. Get in touch with us today for a consultation — we look forward to hearing from you! 

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